There are 6 types of Mother sauces .Now a days Mother sauces are known as 5 types. Mayonnaise is not a mother sauce.              

    6 Types Mother Sauce

1. Béchamel

2. Veloute

3. Espagnole

4. Hollandaise


6. Tomato Sauce

Derivatives of Mother sauces


1. Cream sauce: Chopped onions are reduced with white wine and then cream is reduced in the same pan. Now some béchamel sauce is added & whisked in. More cream is added till correct consistency is obtained and the sauce is then strained.

2. Sauce Mornay: Grated Cheddar cheese is added to the cream sauce and it is strained.

3. Sauce Fine herbs: To the cream sauce, some chopped tarragon, parsley and chervil are added. In place of chervil, we often use thyme.

4. Sauce Nantua: To the cream sauce, add very fine crayfish butter and small cooked crayfish tails.

• Veloute

1. Sauce Allemande: Quiet simply, this is a veloute thickened with egg yolks and flavoured with mushroom liquor, lemon juice, pepper and nutmeg. (This sauce is also known as sauce Parisienne)

2. Sauce Supreme: This is a chicken veloute enriched with cream. It should be very white in colour and delicate in flavour.

3. Sauce Ivoire: To one-litre sauce supreme, add three-tbs. melted light coloured meat glaze, just sufficient to give the acquired ivory tint to the sauce. Suitable for serving with poultry.

4. Sauce Normande: To fish veloute-add mushroom liquor and cooking liquor from mussels and fish stock, all in equal proportions, a few drops of lemon juice and thickening of egg yolks with cream. Reduce this to 1/3 of its volume. Pass through a fine strainer and finish with some more cream butter. This can be used for large numbers of fish dishes. •


1. Sauce Chasseur: Melt butter in a small pan, add. chopped shallots and sliced mushrooms and sauté. Add white wine, reduced by ½, then add equal parts of tomato sauce and sauce demi-glaze. Add meat glaze, simmer gently and finish with chopped parsley (In some methods of preparing Sauce Chasseur some brandy is also added)

2. Sauce au Porto: This is prepared in the same way as Madeira replacing the Madeira wines with Port wine.

3. Sauce Madeira: Reduce sauce demi-glaze until slightly thickened. Remove from the heat and add Madeira wine Pass through a fine strainer and do not reboil.

4. Sauce Robert: Heat butter in a pan, add finely chopped onion and cook without colouring. Moisten with white wine and reduce by 2/3. Add sauce demi-glaze and simmer gently for 10-min. Pass the sauce through a fine strainer and finish away from the heat with a pinch of sugar and some English mustard diluted with a little water. This sauce is usually served to accompany grilled pork •


1. Sauce Tartare: To mayonnaise sauce add chopped gherkins, capers, shallots, parsley, chives.

2. Sauce Verte: Blanch rapidly for five minutes spinach and watercress & a mixture of parsley, tarragon and chervil drain well. Refresh quickly and squeeze out all the water. Pound the leaves then squeeze them firmly in a clean cloth so as to obtain a thick herb juice, Add this too well-seasoned mayonnaise.

3. Sauce Mousquetaire: To mayonnaise add finely chopped shallots which have been cooked and completely reduced with white wine, some melted meat glaze and chopped chives. Season the sauce with a touch of cayenne or milled pepper.

4. Sauce Remoulade: To mayonnaise add and mix in Mustard, chopped gherkins, chopped capers, parsley tarragon and chervil and some anchovy essence. •

Tomato Sauce[concassé]

1. Provencale Sauce - The Provençale sauce is a fragrant tomato sauce made with sautéed onions, garlic, capers, olives, and Herbes de Provence. It's delicious served with meat, poultry, and fish. This recipe also features tomato concassé, which is a fancy culinary term to describe tomatoes that have been peeled, seeded and roughly chopped

2. Portuguese Sauce - The Portuguese sauce is a hearty tomato sauce made with sautéed onions, garlic, tomato concassé and parsley. Tomato concassé (pronounced "conk-a-SAY") is a fancy culinary term to describe tomatoes that have been peeled, seeded and roughly chopped.

3. Nantua Sauce - is a classical French sauce consisting of: a Béchamel sauce base cream crayfish butter crayfish tails It is named for the city of Nantua, which is known for its crayfish, and the term à la Nantua is used in classical French cuisine for dishes containing crayfish.

4. Chaud Froid Sauce - Preparations of Chaudfroid sauce omit the use of meat, and these can be prepared as a brown sauce, a white sauce and as a red sauce using tomato purée. A simpler preparation of Chaudfroid sauce without the use of meat can be made by using Espagnole sauce, adding ingredients such as Aspic Jelly, gelatin, cream and sherry to it, and cooking the mixture.[15] Another simpler preparation technique that lacks meat involves the use of allemande sauce or velouté sauce and other ingredients

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